Woodworking Hobby
Thank you for visiting my website and hope to gain your interest with at least one of my projects. My name is David Gaines and reside in Waveland, MS with my wife, son, daughter, and soon to be baby girl. I have been tinkering with various crafts, trades, and materials over the years and decided it was time to create a website to show others what one man's trash can become. Most of my projects come from the scrap materials of other people's projects (primarily my dad). I have far more projects than I have showcased and will try and upload images, details, and possibly cut sheets as I have time available. Please feel free to click the LEARN MORE link below to see my YOUTUBE channel which showcases some of my projects and various other videos. If you view my videos on YOUTUBE please feel free to Like, Share, and Subscribe so I can get my works out into the world and get some feedback in how I am doing.
Thank you again and God Bless.