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Pallet Projects to Sell- What do potential Customers want to see

Like a lot of people I have accumulated certain items out of opportunity and availability. Tools, clothes, and spare parts from home projects always seem to be added to the collection, but with time start to lose value for the space it consumes. I have, however, started collecting another item out of opportunity and availability; PALLETS. There is a local business on my commute to work that discards pallets and I have managed to accumulate quite a collection of about 40-50 pallets. I have viewed hundreds of projects online for ideas of what to do with the pallets even before I was able to obtain the pallets, but would like to know what others consider to be the more profitable items to build and sell. Tables, flags, bar with bar stools, decorative rustic signs, tablet/phone holders, and benches seem to be at the top of the list.

If you have any ideas of inspiration please let me know I would greatly appreciate the feedback. Also any particular finishes, paints, materials to use/not use would also be good to know. I usually work on projects with available materials on-hand (within reason-sometimes you have to buy the right material for the project without substitutions), but also I know there are a ton of others that have already done this type of work and would like to know his/her thoughts on pallet projects.

Thank you and God Bless!

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